Consulting services
assessments and studies
Make complex energy decisions
while reducing potential risks.
With our inhouse experts, we can provide your team holistic studies that reduce potential risk with complex energy decision-making.
What sets us apart?
Explore our consulting service areas
Customer stories
With our inhouse experts, we can provide your team holistic studies that include:
Power economics assessments and software tools that determine economic feasibility
Power economics and software
Is a project worth building?
Grid stability and integration studies that evaluate the grid, transmission & distribution, and pathways to integrate conventional, renewable and emerging power sources
Grid stability and integration
Can a project safely interconnect and reliably operate?
Carbon management consulting that inform customers’ strategies to lower their greenhouse gas and carbon footprint.
Carbon management consulting
Can you operate sustainably in the future?
We have ~140 energy experts throughout 12 countries, and more than 100 patents.